Harvest Moon 64 Heat

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The Town
The town in reality is pretty small compared to maybe a small village nowadays. But it may be hard to manage at first. Here are the areas.

A-Town Square
The town square is where most of the festivals take place. The horse and dog races are also done there. It is never closed off.

The Tavern is where you can buy drinks at night. Prices are:
It is open 6pm-12am and closed on sundays and holidays. Karen is there almost every night (until you marry her).

C-The Church
No point in visiting this daily. It doubles as a school on weekdays.
Open every day. Maria likes it when you go every Sunday.

D-Flower Shop
The flower shop is probably the most important shop in town, considering you plant crops. Here are the prices of the crops.
The order is vegetable name, buying price, selling price per, growing time, and second growing time.

Cabbage 200g 90g 7 days
Potatoes 200g 80g 6 days
Turnips 200g 60g 4 days

Tomatoes 300g 90g 9 days 3 days
Corn 300g 120g 13 days 4 days

Eggplant 300g 60g 7 days 3 days
Strawberries 500g 150g 6 days
(only in greenhouse)
Strawberries 500g 150g 6 days
(only in greenhouse)
It is open 9am-5pm, and closed on Sundays. You can usually find Popori here.

E-Rick's/Souveiner shop
Rick usually doesn't have any new items, but check when you have a new kind of animal or when you are planning to get married. Here are a couple of items.
Blue Feather-1000g, But he will lower it to 998g if you are friends
It is open 10am-5pm. It is closed on Wednesdays and weekends.
The artisan's shop has pretty much nothing besides a special item and an Ocarina for 1200g. I have no idea about the times, so e-mail me if you know.

F-The Bakery
The bakery is ,as well as the flower shop, one of the more important buildings in town. There you
can buy sweets and other goods for you(to regain energy), or for your wife(to give as a present).
The prices of stuff you can buy are as follows:
It is open from 9am-5pm, and closed Mondays and festival days. If you are looking to marry Elli,
she can be found there 85% of the time.

G-Mayor’s House
The mayor’s house holds no huge significance, besides if you want to marry Maria. She is never
there, but talking to her parents often please her. The doors are locked on holidays, Sundays, and
whenever else nobody’s home.

This is where Maria works. You can’t read there, so don’t even try. I have no idea about the time,
so e-mail me if you know.

I-The Midwife
The midwife is just, well, she’s just.....there. She doesn’t do anything besides deliver your baby.
Don’t worry about that, because she’ll be in your house when your wife has him, but talk to her a
lot anyway for advice on raising children.

J-Potion Shop
This is where the potion shop owner and his sons, Stu and Kent live. I need all the information I
can get on this. If you can give me information that I don’t have or need, I’ll put your name in the
thanks section that I’m making.