Here are all of the codes I could find
Blue power nut
Toss a fish into the pond by the fisherman's tent
Exercise the dog
Make a fence around your dog then call hin
How to get rid of your dog
Place dog in the bathroom sooner or later he will go into the black and will
be lost forever
How to get the treasure map
Go up to the tree in your yard and press A
How to get the music box
Find the spot where the map tells you to dig/bury and plow that spot 10 times
and you will find the broken music box. take it to Rick to be fixed
How to get the marbles
Plant a pink cat mint flower patch. As soon as Stu comes by plant 4
more cat mint along with 4 moon drop patches as soon as the grow Stu will drop
by again an will trade 1 cat mint flower for his marbles
Invisible Baby
Pick up your baby, while holding it take a bath. Your baby should
dissapear and magicly reappear by your wife.
Walk off the Screen
Go to the area outside the Vinyard right before it changes screens. Don't go
into the Vinyard but stay outside before it changes screens. On the left you can
walk off the play area to walk into the black. You walk right off right next to
the little tree like thing.
If you marry Popouri later on in the game about three months the mailman and
Maria will fall in love and give each other gifts.
Other Peoples Marriges
Other people in the game get married the mailman and Maria get married. Also
Ann's brother and Popouri, Karen and Kai, Elli and Jeff( the baker guy), and
Cliff(the stranger) and Ann. If you are nice to them they might invite you to
their wedding.
Cliff and Ann
How do you get Cliff and Ann to get married? First off when Cliff is sitting
infront of your house saying he is hungry give him somthing to eat that way he
will like you more. Then you should give Cliff tons of gifts: plants, flowers,
berries, ect. They should get married and invite you to their wedding. Some time
later you will see Cliff with a black eye and he says that him and Ann got into
a fight.
Bet for free at the races
To bet for free talk to the woman and bet as much as you want,(I recomend
betting on all of them so you are guaranteed to win)then insted of pressing A to
make the bet press B to leave and don't talk to the lady until the next race and
when/if the horse wins you will get the medals.
Godess Code
Take a vegtable, and go to the pond in the place where there is all the
flowers near the carpenters. Trow the vebtable in the water then wait. The
Spring Godess will emerge, and give you one of three wishes.
Karen leaves
Karen will leave if you dont get Door To Heaven or youre not nice to her.
Grandma Dies
Don't talk to Elli's Gradma on a festival day in the Spring, because she will
die and you won't be able to get the recipe from her.
Chickens don't need feed, but they will always lay eggs
If you leave your chicken/s on your roof(after you have your stairs)the
chicken/s will lay eggs always and you won't have to feed it.
Have two photo albums
If you collect all the photos by the time your father comes, he will give you
a new one.(I don't know about this one)
Buy the ruined vase
give a blue rock to the Artisan Saibara(sp) then pick up the pot that wasn't
for sale before, and it will be for sale for 2000G.
Get your dog to be a father
Get the recipe from the potion shop ower in the drug store. Then about a
month later leave your dog there for a day or two then bring your dog back. On
the 5th or 6th year at the end of Summer or Fall your two brothers will come by
and say " The dog at the Potion Shop had puppies and I'm sure your dog is
the father."
Raise your alchol content for free
When you have a bottle go to the cellar in the Vineyard. Go up to the big
barrels and press B, and the bottle will be filled with wine and you can
continue doing this